Technology7 Secrets to Setting up a Systematic Recruitment ProcessDerek MaxtonMarch 29, 2022March 29, 2022 by Derek MaxtonMarch 29, 2022March 29, 202201303 With the emerging technologies and even increased competition in the marketplace, companies are obligated to improve their hiring processes for their own good. Carrying out...
TechnologyThe Illusive Role of the Data ScientistDerek MaxtonMarch 10, 2022March 10, 2022 by Derek MaxtonMarch 10, 2022March 10, 202201009 The last few years have seen an unprecedented shortage in the number of data scientists in the workforce – but is the shortage all just...
TechnologyHow to Use Augmented Reality Shopping to Enhance Your Customer ExperienceDerek MaxtonMarch 1, 2022March 1, 2022 by Derek MaxtonMarch 1, 2022March 1, 202201003 As a retailer, you know that giving your customers a great experience is key to your success. In a world where online shopping is the...
InternetHow to Secure Your User Interface and Protect Your UsersDerek MaxtonMarch 1, 2022March 1, 2022 by Derek MaxtonMarch 1, 2022March 1, 202201192 As a UI designer, it’s important to consider how to best protect your users while they are interacting with your interface. One of the best...